There are four tanker trucks around Los Santos, instructing them to destroy all four of the tanker trucks and then call back to move to the big target. Tao's translator says that Avery Duggan owns a multinational corporation, with their principle local interest in the state being oil and gas. Out of breath, Tao's translator tells the team that Tao's uncle wants to thank them for their assistance, and had contacted the casino that they are set to go to war with the Duggans. Brucie then introduces himself to the team. Agatha then dismisses herself from the office, telling the team that she's going to inspect the kitchens and that she was officially not at this meeting. When they enter her office, they see Brucie Kibbutz, Tao Cheng, and his translator (doing his best to keep up and having shed his pants to try and cope) exercising to one of Brucie's exercise videos.
The protagonists are contacted by Agatha Baker, who informs them that matters have continued to worsen, and asks them to drop by her office.